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The State of the Forest Rights Act: Undoing of historical injustice withered
This report examines the flawed implementation of the much vaunted Forest Rights Act in India. As of 31 January 2012, a total of 31,68,478 claims have been received and 27,24,162 claims (85.98%) have been disposed off. Out of the total claims disposed off, 12,51,490 titles (45.94%) were distributed and 14,72,672 claims (54%) were rejected. Even […]
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UPR: The Experience of Bangladesh
July 2009 During the UPR examination in February 2009, Bangladesh accepted 34 out of 42 recommendations made. The government of Bangladesh also promised to fully implement the CHT Peace Accord of 1997 “within the shortest possible time within the framework of the Constitution of Bangladesh”. AITPN has played a critical role and made its its […]
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